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Terms and conditions of sale

Natura srl, with registered office in Via Corsica, 19, 86039 Termoli, registered at the Register of Companies of Campobasso, no. 114919 of the R.E.A, tax code and VAT no. 01523030706, is the owner of the website


1. The contract stipulated between Natura srl and the Customer must be considered concluded with the acceptance, even partial, of the order by Natura srl. This acceptance is considered tacit, if not otherwise communicated in any way to the Customer. By placing an order in the various ways provided, the Customer declares to have read all the information provided to him during the purchase procedure, and to accept in full the general conditions and payment conditions transcribed below.

2. If the Customer is a consumer (i.e. a natural person purchasing the goods for purposes not related to his professional activity), once the on-line purchase procedure is completed, he shall print or save an electronic copy and in any case keep these general sales conditions, in compliance with the provisions of Articles 3 and 4 of Legislative Decree 185/1999 on distance sales.

3. Any right of the Customer to damages or compensation is excluded, as well as any contractual or extra-contractual liability for direct or indirect damages to persons and/or things, caused by the non-acceptance, even partial, of an order.


4. The Customer may only purchase the products present in the electronic catalogue of Natura Srl at the time of placing the order and viewable online at (URL), as described in the relevant information sheets. It is understood that the picture accompanying the descriptive sheet of a product may not be perfectly representative of its characteristics, but may differ in colour, size, accessory products present in the picture. All purchase support information (Glossary, Purchase Guide, etc.) is intended as mere generic information material, not referring to the real characteristics of a single product.

5. The correct receipt of the order is confirmed by Natura srl by means of a reply by e-mail, sent to the e-mail address communicated by the Customer. This confirmation message will report Date and Time of execution of the order and a “Customer Order Number”, to be used in any further communication with Natura srl. The message will repeat all the data entered by the Customer, who undertakes to verify the correctness and to communicate promptly any corrections, according to the modalities described in this document.

6. In case of non-acceptance of the order, Natura srl guarantees timely communication to the Customer.

Online Dispute Resolution for Consumers

The consumer resident in Europe should be aware that the European Commission has established an online platform that provides an alternative dispute resolution tool. This tool can be used by the European consumer to settle out of court any disputes relating to and/or arising from contracts for the sale of goods and services concluded online.

Consequently, if you are a European consumer, you can use this platform to resolve any dispute arising from the online contract concluded with Natura Sr.l.

The platform is available at the following link ( Natura Sr.l is available to answer any questions sent by email to